Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Halaman 35 36 Kurikulum Merdeka Does Canteen A Sell Gado-gado

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 halaman 35 36 kurikulum merdeka Look and write Does Canteen A sell gado-gado, tepatnya pada materi Bab 3 How Much is it pada Student’s Book My Next Words semester 1.

Pembahasan kali ini merupakan lanjutan dari tugas sebelumnya dimana kalian telah mengerjakan soal halaman 30 31 How Much Is a Plate of Fried Rice secara lengkap.

Look and write
Look at the picture to answer the questions on the following page!

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 halaman 35 36 kurikulum merdeka Look and write Does Canteen A sell gado-gado

1. Does Canteen A sell gado-gado?
Jawaban : No, it doesn’t.

2. How much is a plate of shumai in Canteen A?
Jawaban : It is eight thousand rupiahs.

3. Which canteen sells noodles for Rp3.000?
Jawaban : It is a Canteen B.

4. What’s on the menu at Canteen B?
Jawaban : They are s shumai, noodles, bread, ice tea, and bakso.

5. Do both canteens (Canteen A and Canteen B) sell bread and bakso?
Jawaban : Yes, they do.

6. How much is a bowl of a bakso at Canteen B?
Jawaban : It is five thousand rupiahs.

7. How much are a bowl of bakso and a glass of ice tea at Canteen A?
Jawaban : The price of bakso is eight thousand rupiahs. The price of ice tea is two thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

8. What’s on the menu at Canteen A?
Jawaban : They are shumai, noodles, bread, ice tea, and bakso.

9. How much are a plate of shumai, a piece of bread, and a glass of ice tea at Canteen B?
Jawaban : The price of shumay is six thousand rupiahs. The price of bread is two thousand and five hundred rupiahs. The price of ice tea is one thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

10. Which foods are the most expensive?
Jawaban : They are shumai and Bakso at Canteen A.

Let’s create
Peserta didik dapat berkreasi membuat poster tentang harga pada makanan dan minuman dengan tepat dan benar.
Imagine you have your own restaurant. Make a poster of your restaurant menu!

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Demikian pembahasan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD MI halaman 35 36 kurikulum merdeka Bab 3 How Much is it di buku Student’s Book My Next Words kelas IV semester 1. Semoga bermanfaat dan berguna bagi kalian. Terimakasih, selamat belajar!

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