Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Halaman 42 43 44 Kurikulum Merdeka Listen To Your Teacher’s Story And Answer The Question Below

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 halaman 42 43 44 kurikulum merdeka Listen to your teacher’s story and answer the question below, tepatnya pada materi Bab 4 I’ve got a stomachache pada Student’s Book My Next Words semester 1.

Pembahasan kali ini merupakan lanjutan dari tugas sebelumnya dimana kalian telah mengerjakan soal halaman 40 41 Listen To Your Teacher And Circle The Correct Picture secara lengkap.

Listen and answer
Peserta didik mampu menyimak dan menjawab pertanyaan mengenai cerita keluhan sakit yang dibacakan dengan tepat dan benar.

Listen to your teacher’s story and answer the question below!
On Sunday, Kimi sits alone. His face looks pale. After he eats too much fish, he doesn’t feel good. He has a stomachache. He needs go to the doctor.

1. What’s wrong with Kimi? (Ada apa dengan Kimi?)
2. When does he have a stomachache? (Kapan dia sakit perut?
3. Is he feeling well? (Apakah dia baik-baik saja?)
4. Did he eat too much fish? (Apakah dia makan terlalu banyak ikan?)
5. Will he go to the doctor? (Apakah dia akan pergi ke dokter?)

Jawaban :

1. Kimi has a stomachache. (Kimi sakit perut)
2. Kimi have a stomachache on Sunday. (Kimi sakit perut pada hari Minggu)
3. No, he is not.
4. Yes, he did.
5. Yes, he did.

Look and write
Peserta didik mampu menulis cerita berdasarkan gambar secara runtut tentang penyakit dengan tepat dan benar.

Look at the picture and write the story. Use these word : candy,buy, eat, toothache, dentish.

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 halaman 42 43 44 kurikulum merdeka Listen to your teacher's story and answer the question below

Jawaban :

Lili buy some candy from the the mini market. She wants to eat candy because there are several new candy that she hasn’t tried before. (Lili membeli beberapa permen di mini market. Dia ingin makan permen karena ada beberapa permen baru yang belum dia coba sebelumnya.)

While reading her favourite comic, she eat the candy one by one. The candy was so delicious that Lili didn’t realize that all the candy was gone. (Ketika sedang membaca komik kesukaannya, dia memakan permen tersebut satu persatu. Permen tersebut memang enak sehingga Lili tidak menyadari bahwa semua permennya telah habis)

While continuing to read the comic, over time Lili’s teeth were very sore. Turns out, Lili has a toothache from eating too many sweets! Lili immediately told mother. (Sambil terus membaca komik, lama kelamaan gigi Lili sakit sekali. Ternyata Lili sakit gigi karena terlalu banyak makan yang manis-manis! Lili segera memberi tahu ibunya)

Mother said that Lili had to go to the dentist. The toothache she was experiencing was immediately treated. Finally, mother and Lili went to the dentist to have Lili’s toothache checked. (Ibu mengatakan bahwa Lili harus pergi ke dokter gigi. Sakit gigi yang dialaminya segera diobati. Akhirnya ibu dan Lili pergi ke dokter gigi untuk memeriksakan sakit gigi Lili)

My new words
Peserta didik dan guru mampu melakukan kegiatan penguatan dengan mengucapkan dan mengingat kembali materi pembelajaran dalam unit ini.

Kata Arti Kata Arti
a stomachache Sakit perut a headache Sakit kepala
a toothache Sakit gigi a sore eye Sakit mata
a cough Batuk a cold Masuk angin

Baca Juga Pembahasan Soal Lainnya:

Demikian pembahasan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD MI halaman 42 43 44 kurikulum merdeka Bab 4 I’ve got a stomachache di buku Student’s Book My Next Words kelas IV semester 1. Semoga bermanfaat dan berguna bagi kalian. Terimakasih, selamat belajar!

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