Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Halaman 30 31 Kurikulum Merdeka How Much Is a Plate of Fried Rice

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 halaman 30 31 kurikulum merdeka Read and answer How much is a plate of fried rice, tepatnya pada materi Bab 3 How Much is it pada Student’s Book My Next Words semester 1.

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Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 halaman 30 31 kurikulum merdeka Read and answer How much is a plate of fried rice

Let’s Find Out
List the food in the menu and ask the price for each food!

No. Food/Drink Price
1. a bowl of nodles Rp 7.500
2. a glass of chocolate milk Rp 12.000
3. a plate of rice with fried chicken and chili sauce Rp 16.500
4. two packs of snack Rp 4.000
5. six lollipops Rp 9.000
6. a glass of orange juice Rp 14.000

Report :
1. A bowl of noodle is seven thousand and five hundred rupiahs.
2. A glass of chocolate milk is twelve thousand rupiahs.
3. A plate of rice with fried chicken and chili sauce is sixteen thousand and five hundred rupiahs.
4. Two packs of snack are four thousand rupiahs.
5. Six lollipops are nine thousand rupiahs.
6. A glass of orange juice is fourteen thousand rupiahs.

Read and answer

Cici, Aisyah, and Made are at the canteen to buy some foods and drinks. Cici orders a plate of gado – gado and a glass of orange juice. Aisyah wants a bowl of bakso and a glass of ice tea. Made orders a plate of fried rice and two glasses of ice tea. Here is the menu:

No. Menu Price
1. Fried rice/nasi goreng Rp 8.000
2. Nodles/mie Rp 6.000
3. Gado-gado Rp 7.500
4. Bakso Rp 9.000
5. Cendol with ice/es cendol Rp 4.000
6. Ice tea/es teh Rp 2.500
7. Orange juice/jus jeruk Rp 3.000

1. How much is a plate of fried rice?
Jawaban : It is eight thousand rupiahs.

2. How much is a bowl of bakso?
Jawaban : It is nine thousand rupiahs.

3. How much is Cici’s order?
Jawaban : It is ten thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

4. Is a plate of fried rice Rp8,000?
Jawaban : Yes, it is eight thousand rupiahs.

5. How much is a glass of orange juice?
Jawaban : It is three thousand rupiahs.

6. How much is Made’s order?
Jawaban : It is thirteen thousand rupiahs.

7. How much is a glass of tea?
Jawaban : It is two thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

8. Is a scoop of ice cream Rp8,000?
Jawaban : There is no ice cream in the menu.

9. How much is Aisyah’s order?
Jawaban : It is eleven thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

10. If Cici pays Rp50,000, how much change will she get?
Jawaban : It is thirty nine thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

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Demikian pembahasan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD MI halaman 30 31 kurikulum merdeka Bab 3 How Much is it di buku Student’s Book My Next Words kelas IV semester 1. Semoga bermanfaat dan berguna bagi kalian. Terimakasih, selamat belajar!

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